How to Create a Mental Wellness Friendly Workplace

Danielle Capozza
June 21, 2024
8 minutes

There's a special magic that fuels creativity, collaboration, and productivity. It's that certain “je ne sais quoi” that makes the office buzz with energy and excitement. But did you know that a significant part of this workplace magic comes from maintaining good mental wellness?

When we feel mentally balanced and supported, we bring our best selves to work, contributing to that unique workplace vibe. Just like adding the perfect spice to a dish, nurturing our mental wellness adds that extra something special to our professional lives. So let's dive into how we can all sprinkle a little more mental wellness into our workday and keep that company and work soul thriving!

Why Mental Wellness in the Workplace Matters

The mental wellness of employees is a key driver of productivity, creativity, and job satisfaction. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression and anxiety cost the global economy an estimated $1 trillion per year in lost productivity. This staggering figure highlights the necessity of addressing mental wellness proactively in the workplace.

Dr. Gail Saltz, a clinical associate professor of psychiatry at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, emphasizes, "A mentally well workplace is one where employees feel valued, safe, and supported. It's crucial for reducing absenteeism and turnover, and for fostering a culture of trust and openness."

Leading Companies Championing Mental Wellness

Several forward-thinking companies are leading the charge in creating environments that support mental wellness. Here are some standout examples:

Google. Google is renowned for its progressive approach to employee well-being. The company offers comprehensive mental wellness resources, including on-site counselors, mindfulness programs, and stress management workshops. Google's "Blue Dot" program, where employees wear a blue dot on their badges to indicate they are open to talking about mental wellness, encourages openness and support among colleagues.

Salesforce. Salesforce promotes mental wellness through its "B-Well" program, which includes mental wellness first aid training, well-being assessments, and regular wellness challenges. The company also provides access to the Headspace app for meditation and mindfulness, underscoring the importance of mental wellness in daily routines.

Microsoft. Microsoft has integrated mental wellness into its overall wellness strategy. The company offers mental wellness days, access to virtual therapy sessions, and resilience workshops. Additionally, Microsoft’s "Mental Health Club," an employee resource group, fosters peer support and advocacy.

EY (Ernst & Young). EY focuses on destigmatizing mental wellness issues through its "r u ok?" initiative, encouraging open conversations about mental wellness among employees. The company also provides extensive mental wellness resources, including counseling services and wellness apps.

Practical Steps to Foster a Mental Wellness Friendly Workplace

Creating a mental wellness friendly workplace involves both policy changes and cultural shifts. Here are some practical approaches.

Promote Work-Life Balance

Flexible working hours and remote work options can significantly reduce stress. Companies like Slack and Spotify offer flexible work arrangements, which help employees manage their personal and professional lives more effectively.

Provide Mental Wellness Training

Training managers and employees to recognize signs of mental distress and how to respond is crucial. Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training, adopted by companies like PWC, equips employees with the skills to support their colleagues.

Ensure Access to Mental Wellness Resources

Providing access to mental wellness services, such as counseling and therapy, is essential. Companies like Johnson & Johnson offer Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) that provide confidential support for personal and work-related issues.

Foster an Inclusive and Supportive Culture

Creating a culture where mental wellness is openly discussed and supported is vital. This can be achieved through initiatives like peer support groups, mental wellness days, and wellness programs. Unilever's "Agile Working" policy promotes an inclusive culture by supporting diverse work styles and needs.

Encourage Physical Well-beingPhysical health is closely linked to mental wellness. Encouraging regular exercise, healthy eating, and providing ergonomic workspaces can have a positive impact. Companies like Google offer on-site gyms, healthy meals, and wellness classes to promote overall well-being.

Expert Insights on Mental Wellness in the Workplace

Experts in psychology and psychiatry emphasize the importance of addressing mental wellness in the workplace. Dr. David Ballard, a psychologist and head of the American Psychological Association’s Center for Organizational Excellence, notes, "Workplaces that support mental wellness see benefits in employee engagement, retention, and overall productivity. It's not just a nice-to-have; it's a business imperative."

Similarly, Dr. Emma Seppälä, Science Director of Stanford University’s Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education, highlights the role of compassion in leadership. "Compassionate leadership leads to greater employee loyalty, engagement, and well-being. Leaders who prioritize mental wellness create a ripple effect of positivity and productivity across the organization."

The Role of Technology in Mental Wellness

Technology plays a significant role in promoting mental wellness in the workplace. Apps and digital platforms provide accessible and scalable mental wellness solutions.

Moreover, tele-therapy services have become increasingly popular, providing employees with convenient access to professional support. Companies like BetterUp offer coaching platforms that focus on mental resilience and well-being, helping employees navigate personal and professional challenges.

Case Study: The Success of SAP’s Mental Wellness Initiative

SAP, a global leader in enterprise software, provides a compelling case study of a successful mental wellness initiative. SAP’s "Global Health Management" program offers a comprehensive approach to employee well-being, including mental wellness.

The program includes resilience training, mindfulness courses, and a "Life Management Program" that offers counseling and support for personal and professional issues. As a result of these initiatives, SAP has seen a significant reduction in absenteeism and an increase in employee engagement and productivity.

The Future of Mental Wellness in the Workplace

The focus on mental wellness in the workplace is not a passing trend but a necessary evolution. As more companies recognize the importance of mental wellness, we can expect to see more innovative and comprehensive approaches to supporting employees.

Looking forward, companies will likely adopt more holistic wellness programs that integrate mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies may also play a role in providing immersive stress-relief experiences and mental wellness training.

Mental Wellness Now

Creating a mental wellness friendly workplace is not only beneficial for employees but also for the organization as a whole. By promoting work-life balance, providing access to mental wellness resources, fostering an inclusive culture, and leveraging technology, companies can create environments where employees thrive.

As Dr. Saltz aptly puts it, "Investing in mental wellness is investing in the future of your business. It's about creating a workplace where everyone can perform at their best and feel supported in every aspect of their lives." If you’d like to learn more about integrating a mental and emotional wellness initiative into your company, check out Hanu Health’s workshops and app.